Friday, June 16, 2006

Results are in.....

Today's weigh-in: 212 pounds. I am now down a full 20 pounds in 10 weeks.

This means several things.

1) I now have less than 30 pounds to go to reach my goal weight? Should I reduce the amount of oil I'm taking now that my subsistence calories have fallen to about 2800 a day? 10% of 2800 would be 280 calories, 2 TBSP of oil is 240 calories. Should I go to 2.5 TBSP, or drop all the way to 2?

2) Water weight will likely cause more weight fluctuations. I expect more plateaus and "whooshes".

3) I need to make sure my calories drop to maintain 2 pounds a week weight loss, if that's what I decide I want. My strength was down a bit today in the gym, so I may be losing some muscle mass. I have had plenty of protein this week and I got plenty of sleep last night. I also ate before I went to the gym today (half a small chicken breast, so nearly all protein though), so lack of energy shouldn't be an excuse. I may be overtraining though. I have to decide if I'm going to cut back on the lifting (become more diversified, actually. I find if I don't go twice a week nearly every week, it is harder to get myself to go at all.), or if I'm going to drop back on the amount of weight I'm lifting. Decisions, decisions.

4) If I stay on track I will definitely be at my intermediate goal of 200 pounds by the time I head off to the beach at the end of July. Woot!

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